Blokir Situs Musik Ilegal
Thursday, July 28, 2011 03:36 AM | National | Ministry plans to block 20 illegal music sites | Mariel Grazella, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 07/27/2011 4:41 PM
The Communications and Information Technology Ministry says it plans to block 20 illegal online music sharing sites, and that more may soon be taken down.
Communications and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring said the plans were part of an effort to curb illegal music downloads.
"A team from the [ministry] will keep on cooperating to search for such portals," he added.
He said the websites violated the law on information technology and intellectual property rights.
However, he continued, no sanctions would be imposed on the owners of the sites.
"The law enforcement stage will be begin in one year. The first six months will be concentrated on educating the public about illegal downloads. In the meantime, we'll start closing down websites," he added.
The websites which are under threat are gudanglagu.com, gudanglagu.net, mp3sgratis.net, mp3lagu.com, warungmp3.com, pandumusica.info, musik.corner.com, mp3bos.com, mp34shared.com, musik.flazher.com, index.of.mp3.com, misshacker.com, trendmusik.com, abmp3.com, katalogmp3.info, mp3bear.com, mp3downloading.com, freedownloadmp3.org, dewamp3.com and plasamusic.com.